Android Workshop

Android provides a rich application framework that allows you to build innovative apps and games for mobile devices in a Java language environment. Android provides an adaptive app framework that allows you to provide unique resources for different device configurations. For example, you can create different XML layout files for different screen sizes and the system determines which layout to apply based on the current device's screen size.

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Mobile App Development (Android/iOS)

Introduction Android OS Setup Eclipse IDE
Introduction to Activities in android Introduction of various designing component
Introduction to Button & Edit Text Component Use of Other Component of Android
Introduction to android Manifest.xml, Hello world Activity Calling and messaging functionality
Introduction of GCM Technology Creating Various Activity in android, Using multiple buttons
Introduction to Sqlite Database System Execution of various queries in android (Applying CRUD operation on DB)
Development of Database oriented Application Working with Wi-Fi
Working with Bluetooth Activities Introduction to the cloud Base App Development
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